Excerpts from the Lars John Redberg Diaries of 1909 - 1912 of Life in South Tillamook County especially of Oretown, Oregon.

Edna Redberg very kindly excerpted these interesting portions of the Lars John Redberg Diaries and provided them to NVMS. Nestucca Valley Middle School students typed these excerpts during the fall of 2002 as part of their technology classes. Note that the complete diaries of Lars John Redberg spanning many years are in the Pioneer Museum in Tillamook, Oregon. They were donated by Erwin and Edna Redberg.

The following diary entries were typed by Tosha, 7th grader, and Melissa, 8th grader, during the fall of 2002 and were edited by Dean Bones.

Page 5 - January 2, 1910 - April 8, 1910

April 9, 1910 - The Oretown factory did not run today, as the fixings on the boiler were not yet in proper shape. Some hauled milk to Meda, some to Neskowin, and others kept their milk at home or hauled it to the factory and emptied it into the vat. 

John Redberg house? Cost $1076.33 to build? by Joseph Steinmasol, Wirt Sappington, Alva Learned, Ole, T.A. Porter, Earl Porter, Lester Atterbury

April 11, 1910 - I went to the Cloverdale Merc. Co.'s Dock this morning.

May 1,1910 - Mr. Bennett, census taker for these parts, preached for us at church today. After, we went over the hill to see the 200 horse-power gasoline schooner "Oshkosh."

May 5, 1910 - I hauled 12 cases of cheese to the dock.

May 8, 1910 - Rev. Waymire conducted singing lessons and Sunday school

May 12, 1910 - Ole & family, Willie, Earl & Myself and family went clam digging & flounder fishing.  We got 55 dozen clams and 36 flounders.  We had a fine time.

May 18, 1910 - I hauled 16 cases of cheese to the dock.

May 19, 1910 - I hauled 21 cases of cheese to the dock.

May 22, 1910 - Rev. Rooso delivered serman at church.

May 30, 1910 - Thermometer went up to 80° by 9:00 a.m. At least we have seen the famous comet, "Halley's." It appeared in the South West at 9:30 o'clock this evening. It was traveling in a northerly direction and disappeared around 12:00 o'clock. The comet and its tail were dim, that is, they did not show as brillant as the stars but could easily be seen. All members of our family saw the comet.

June 2, 1910 - Evening was clear and we saw the "Comet" again at 10:00 P.M.

June 3, 1910 - Saw comet again. It is dim now.

June 4, 1910 - Grange meeting on corporation.

June 5, 1910 - Attended a ball game at Craven's, between " Slab Creek" and "Meda Nines." The game was won by the Meda Nines 10 to 8. Game was umpired by Mr. Mark Penter of Salem.

June 6, 1910 - Ole and I helped Fox Bros. raise their new barn today. There were 15 men present. The framework and rafters were up by 4:00 p.m.

Continue to page 6, Redberg Diaries, January 2, 1910 - April 8, 1910

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